
I have not completed the pants but I will be attending lunch sessions to use the sewing machines or use mine at home. I have learnt how to use the sewing machine correctly, how to thread the machine, overcasting and straight stitch. I followed the steps on my teacher’s blog but I did find it […]

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Construction #2

Progress: This week i spent my time pinning and tacking some more fabric as last week it did it incorrectly. Learning: I have learned that because i am making pants that i need to look at the pictures with the steps with more care so i don’t make any more mistakes. Challenge: I found it […]

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Construction #2

Progress: This week i spent my time pinning and tacking some more fabric as last week it did it incorrectly. Learning: I have learned that because i am making pants that i need to look at the pictures with the steps with more care so i don’t make any more mistakes. Challenge: I found it […]

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Glossary task Selvage An edge produced on woven fabric during manufacture that prevents it from freeing. Wrong side ‘wrong sides together’ If you do this with the wrong side you shorts will have the material with patter facing inwards. Lengthwise grain the threads in a fabric which run the length of the fabric, parallel to […]

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Construction #1

Progress: This lesson i made the progress of cutting out my fabric, tacking my fabric, sewing straight stitch and overcasting. Learning: I have learnt how to do overcasting and the proper place to tack my fabric together. Challenge: Some challenges that i faced this week was when i went to do my tacking i tacked […]

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