
I have not completed the pants but I will be attending lunch sessions to use the sewing machines or use mine at home. I have learnt how to use the sewing machine correctly, how to thread the machine, overcasting and straight stitch. I followed the steps on my teacher’s blog but I did find it complicated when the teacher was away and I got stuck, I found those classes less productive. I tried my hardest in the class time I had. Although I have not finished my task I am very excited to finish them in my own time.

I think that the biggest learning curve through this term was how to follow steps on a blog and show it on my own blog and using a showing machine. I have improved in tacking and overcasting. I could help other students as i understood the task. I found it challenging at the start of this task as I was trying to remember and learn how to use the sewing machine correctly.  I overcome these challenges by asking the teacher the correct way to do so. I have become more aware of my use in time management and how to apply it to this subject. If I was to make my pants again I would change the size as I would prefer them to be baggy. although I have yet to finish them I can already tell that they will be a little tighter than I expected. Next year I wish to create clothes for animals. For example, Dog onesie, jackets or a cool hat 🙂 I found the blog instructions both helpful and insightful at times. As the images connected to the steps were a little confusing because they were photos of shorts and I am doing pants as I had extra material. I have enjoyed this task as it gave me a new perceptive to the production of clothing and the effort that goes into them.

Rating questions:

How well did you final product turn out?  = 4

Did you execute proper sewing techniques? = 8

How often did you use the blog construction guide to see what you were up to?  = 9

How well did you solve problems for your-self? = 7

Were you helpful for peers around you? = 8

Did you often seek assistance from the teacher? = 9

How well did you use class time? = 9

Do you think that you have improved in this subject doing this task? = 9

Did you enjoy creating these pants? = 10


I could improve with my organisation and time management towards thus subject even more than I already was. I would rate myself lowest on my final result of the assessment as i have yet to complete my pants. This is because I could have better managed my time. I would get stuck or confused on a step and have to ask the teacher that then took up more of my time leading to not enough time to finish. I could improve on how I use time in class and how long I spend on each step as I would tend to do it wrong the first time and have to ask and try again which took up more valuable class time. I rated myself best on how much I enjoyed this task. I thought that it was a very creative idea and I was glad that it is something I can use out of school. I would strongly recommenced this project to any other year 9 class doing fabrics.

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